Village of Mount Prospect
The Village of Mount Prospect, population 56,852 is located 22 miles from downtown Chicago and five miles north of O’Hare Airport. The Building & Inspection Services Division of the Community Development Department is seeking to hire a total of (2) Building & Inspection Services Interns. Both interns will have the opportunity to work with both the Building Inspections and with the Code Enforcement/Health Inspections team.
The positions will assist the department with a variety of daily administrative and field tasks, including the preparation of various applications, code enforcement and other responsibilities essential in day-to-day operations.
The applicant shall be enrolled in a college, university, technical school or other accredited continuing education program applicable to building construction trades, environmental health or related field. The position pays $15-19 per hour and requires a minimum of 30 hour workweek during the duration of the internship which is approximately 10-12 weeks.
For more information or to apply, visit https://www.mountprospect.org/employment
The Village of Mount Prospect is an Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all. People of diverse backgrounds, veterans and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
To apply for this job email your details to rkast@mountprospect.org