GovHR USA provides a wide array of management and human resources consulting services that are focused on increasing and improving productivity for local governments.
Human Resources Consulting
Human Resources professionals at GovHR USA have decades of experience, and offer a full range of human resources consulting services. The services assist in the collection of vital information that helps leaders to make informed choices about overall staffing needs.
Audits and Assessments provide a comprehensive look at the human resources operation. Work projects include a review of policies, procedures and practices, and evaluation of compliance with relevant statutes. GovHR USA assesses how the function is structured, and operating in relation to other administrative areas of the organization.
Classification and Compensation Studies are a review of an organization’s classification and compensation system. Other components may include an evaluation of the current, or creation of a new, performance appraisal tool. A comprehensive benefits study may also be conducted as part of this service.
Staffing Analysis and Succession Planning Studies assess an organization’s structure and workforce, and consider short and long-term staffing needs. GovHR USA identifies the relationships between services offered, the competencies needed to complete the work, staffing projects and other ancillary findings and recommendations.
On Demand Services allow clients to request human resources assistance, on an as-needed basis. GovHR USA handles projects such as policy and procedure development; collective bargaining contract analysis and negotiation preparation. Additionally, recruitments for entry and mid-level staff members also can be handled. The firm is available virtually to assist with projects, which frees up the time of an organization’s leadership to handle ongoing responsibilities and obligations.
GovHR USA On-Demand Services
- Virtual Recruitment
- Assessment Centers
- Professional Development and Training
- Job Description Development
- Employee Testing
- Employee Surveys
- Policies, Procedure and Employee Handbook Development
- Performance Review Development and Training (PRISM)
- Collective Bargaining Contract Analysis and Negotiation Preparation
- Mini recruitments for entry and mid-level staff members
Management Consulting
Management consultants with GovHR USA have a wealth of experience, working in and with, the public sector. Clients include counties, municipalities, and related not-for-profit organizations. Consulting services assist with overall organizational strategy and problem-solving. Substantial benefits are obtained from consistent reviews of administrative policy and structures, which assist in clarifying current and future goals, and identifying potential obstacles in reaching goals that are set by leadership.
Management Consulting Services Include:
- Process Improvement
- Public Safety Consulting
- Interdisciplinary Public Safety partnership with Janice Allen Jackson & Associates. Services include consulting for communities undertaking discussions regarding public safety funding, methods to reduce crime, and police-community relations.
- Efficiency Studies
- Strategic Planning
- Grant Writing
Achieving efficiency in any organization is essential in meeting service delivery requirements. GovHR USA provide the services and the tools to achieve the goals of leadership. Call us today at 847-380-3240 to get started.